Introduction: A free flowing resin with activator that impregnates glass/cloth/tape/mat & bonds tenaciously to practically any surface to produce a tight seal which will not dissolve in water oil and will resist High temperature
Intended Use: impregnates glass/cloth/tape/mat
Limitations: None
Application Instruction: Applicable for multipurpose material like Plastics, Steel, Wood, Ceramics
Mixing Instructions:
‐‐‐‐ It is strongly recommended that full units be mixed, as ratios are pre‐measured. ‐‐‐‐
1. Add hardener to resin
2. Mix thoroughly with screwdriver or similar tool (continuously scrape material away from sides and bottom of container) until a uniform, streak‐free consistency is obtained.
LARGE SIZES (2 lb., 25 lb.): Use a propeller‐type Jiffy Mixer Model ES on an electric drill. Mix until color is uniform and