Cammprofile Gaskets "FLEXCAMM"


FMI Flexcamm® cammprofile gaskets are recognized as a new high quality sealing alternative. These gaskets are used as problem solver when there is a difficult sealing environment and performance are critical at low seating stresses. Flexcamm® gaskets consist of a metal core with concentric grooves with sealing layers made of flexible graphite Flexigraf®, expanded mica Micatherm, conventional ptfe or bidirectional ptfe Sichem®. Metal core is usually selected based on metallurgy of the piping. Flexcamm® are manufactured in different materials and non-circular shapes with extreme accuracy. They can also be custom engineered to fit various applications.


Manufactured without a guide ring for tongue and groove, or recessed flange applications such as male and female. It is typically used in heat exchanger applications and applied as an upgrade to double  jacketed gaskets.

camprofile FN


Constructed with an integral guide ring for aligning purposes. It is suggested to be used in raised face flanges. The gasket is typically designed and sized per EN12560-6 spec for ASME B16.5 flanges, but can be manufactured to fit other standards.

camprofile FG


Constructed with a lose guide ring. This solution is recommended in application with excessive radial shear characteristics, thermal cycling, and expansions. The gasket is typically designed and sized per EN12560-6 spec for ASME B16.5 flanges, but can be  manufactured to fit other standards.

camprofile FA


(solid reinforced graphite)

SRG gasket is a solid gasket made by a rigid metal core with two expanded graphite layers  bonded to each face. Solid core provide protection against blow  out whilst soft graphite layers provide an excellent seal due its high conformability into the flange faces even under low applied seating stesses. It is possible to use a wide range of core materials, from carbon steel to exotic alloys. SRG gasket finds applications in chemical and petrolchemical plants for Low pressure heat exchangers, narrow land width, non circular shapes.

camprofile SRG



SIZE mm 10 16 25 40 64 100 160 250 320 400
DN d1 d2 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3
10 22 36 46 46 46 46 56 56 56 67 67 67
15 26 42 51 51 51 51 61 61 61 72 72 78
20 31 47 61 61 61 61
25 36 52 71 71 71 71 82 82 82 82 92 104
32 46 66 82 82 82 82
40 53 73 92 92 92 92 103 103 103 109 119 135
50 65 87 107 107 107 107 113 119 119 124 134 150
65 81 103 127 127 127 127 137 143 143 153 170 192
80 95 121 142 142 142 142 148 154 154 170 190 207
100 118 144 162 162 168 168 174 180 180 202 229 256
125 142 176 192 192 194 194 210 217 217 242 274 301
150 170 204 217 217 224 224 247 257 257 284 311 348
175 195 229 247 247 254 265 277 287 284 316 358 402
200 224 258 272 272 284 290 309 324 324 358 398 442
250 275 315 327 328 340 352 364 391 388 442 488
300 325 365 377 383 400 417 424 458 458 536
350 375 420 437 443 457 474 486 512
400 426 474 489 495 514 546 543 572
450 480 528 539 555 571
500 530 578 594 617 624 628 657 704
600 630 680 695 734 731 747 764 813
700 730 780 810 804 833 852 879 950
800 830 880 917 911 942 974 988
900 930 980 1017 1011 1042 1084 1108
1000 1040 1090 1124 1128 1154 1194 1220
1200 1250 1310 1341 1342 1364 1398 1452
1400 1440 1510 1548 1542 1578 1618



SIZE mm 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
DN d1 d2 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3
1/2 23,0 33,3 44,4 50,8 50,8 50,8 60,3 60,3 66,7
3/4 28,6 39,7 53,9 63,5 63,5 63,5 66,7 6,7 73,0
1 36,5 47,6 63,5 69,8 69,8 69,8 76,2 76,2 82,5
11/4 44,4 60,3 73,0 79,4 79,4 79,4 85,7 85,7 101,6
1 1/2 52,4 69,8 82,5 92,1 92,1 92,1 95,2 95,2 114,3
2 69,8 88,9 101,6 108,0 108,0 108,0 139,7 139,7 142,8
2 1/2 82,5 101,6 120,6 127,0 127,0 127,0 161,9 161,9 165,1
3 98,4 123,8 133,4 146,1 146,1 146,1 165,1 171,5 193,7
3 1/2 111,1 136,5 158,8 161,9 158,7 158,7
4 123,8 154,0 171,5 177,8 174,6 190,5 203,2 206,4 231,7
5 150,8 182,6 193,7 212,7 209,5 238,1 244,5 250,8 276,2
6 177,8 212,7 219,1 247,7 244,5 263,5 285,8 279,4 314,3
8 228,6 266,7 276,2 304,8 301,6 317,5 355,6 349,3 384,1
10 282,6 320,7 336,5 358,8 355,6 396,9 431,8 431,8 473,0
12 339,7 377,8 406,4 419,1 415,9 454,0 495,3 517,5 546,1
14 371,5 409,6 447,7 482,6 479,4 488,9 517,5 574,7
16 422,3 466,7 511,2 536,6 533,4 561,9 571,5 638,1
18 479,4 530,2 546,1 593,7 590,5 609,6 635,0 701,7
20 530,2 581,0 603,2 650,9 644,5 679,5 695,3 752,4
22 581,0 631,8 657,2 701,7 698,5 730,3
24 631,8 682,6 714,4 771,5 765,2 787,4 835,0 898,5


SIZE mm 150 300 400 600 900
DN d1 d2 d3 d3 d3 d3 d3
26 690 740 772 832 829 864 880
28 740 790 829 895 889 911 943
30 800 850 880 949 943 968 1007
32 845 905 937 1003 1000 1019 1070
34 895 955 987 1054 1051 1070 1134
36 950 1010 1045 1114 1114 1127 1197
38 960 1020 1108 1051 1070 1102 1197
40 1015 1075 1159 1111 1124 1153 1248
42 1065 1125 1216 1162 1175 1216 1299
44 1125 1185 1273 1216 1229 1267 1365
46 1175 1235 1324 1270 1286 1324 1432
48 1220 1290 1381 1321 1343 1388 1483
50 1270 1350 1432 1375 1400 1445
52 1320 1400 1489 1426 1451 1495
54 1375 1455 1546 1489 1515 1553
56 1430 1510 1603 1540 1565 1610
58 1485 1565 1661 1591 1616 1661
60 1535 1615 1711 1742 1680 1730
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